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So many people fail or don’t see/feel any progress in their fitness journey because of one really important factor that they are missing: a specific and intentional workout program designed for progression, as well as recovery.

Many people hit the gym, look around, do a few bench press, or some elliptical (ladies who don’t want to get “bulky”- you know who you are lol), maybe throw in some hip thrusts, because we’re supposed to be doing hip thrusts, right? 

What they are missing out on is a program designed specifically for adaptation in their bodies, and designed with some repetition and progression in mind, be that progressing in weight, volume (amount of sets/reps), speeding up the time it takes to get through a Metcon, or working up to a more advanced movement.

Another important factor is specific programmed rest within the workout. In order to make adaptations your body must have sufficient rest between movements so that you can perform with the optimal output to get the results you want. Rest is so important, but when you are working, you better be gettin it done!


Stay on track, and remember to progress. If you’re just grabbing the same weight from week to week, or giving the same amount of output or effort, you will probably stay the same. Take advantage of the program and keep pushing yourself!! -Coach Tish


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